The procedure for opening additional accounts.
Krungsri Securities's current clients can find it’s easy to have more investment alternatives by opening various additional accounts with us. To do so, follow these instructions.
การเปิดบัญชีเพิ่มทุกประเภท บริษัทฯขอความกรุณาให้ ลูกค้า update ข้อมูลในเอกสารต่อไปนี้
- 1. แบบประเมินความสามารถในการรับความเสี่ยงของผู้ลงทุน (Suitability Test)
- 2. แบบประเมินความรู้ความสามารถในการลงทุน (Knowledge Assessment)
- 3. แบบทดสอบความรู้ความเข้าใจในการลงทุน (Product Knowledge)
- 4. FATCA
(แบบประเมินและแบบทดสอบในข้อ 1-4 ลูกค้าสามารถทำผ่านเว็บไซต์ ที่เมนู "e-Form" หลัง login)
สำคัญ! กรณีลูกค้าและนักลงทุนดาวน์โหลดเอกสารชุดเปิดบัญชีเอง มีเงื่อนไขดังนี้
- ลูกค้าจะต้องกรอกรายละเอียดในชุดเปิดบัญชี และลงลายมือชื่อในเอกสารชุดเปิดบัญชีและสัญญาทุกหน้า (มุมขวาด้านล่าง)
- บริษัทขอสงวนสิทธิ์ที่จะพิจารณาถึงความสมบูรณ์ ความชัดเจน ของแบบพิมพ์สัญญาที่ลูกค้าส่งไปยังบริษัท เพื่อประกอบการเปิดบัญชีของลูกค้า
- Client signs the addendum agreements on Cash Balance Account.

- Client signs the addendum agreements on Internet Trading.

- Client can send all documents to your personal financial advisor at Krungsri Securities via postal mail or kindly visit our office in personal, please see the address below.
- Please contact your personal financial advisor at Krungsri Securities to notice us your intension.
- The financial advisor will contact you as soon as possible to make an appointment for contract signing.
- Client prepares the financial statement which suitable for the requested trading line.
- Client signs the addendum agreements on Internet Trading.
- Please contact your personal financial advisor at Krungsri Securities to notice us your intension.
- The financial advisor will contact you as soon as possible to make an appointment for contract signing. There will be duty stamp imposed depends on the approved credit line.
- Client may be requested to sign the letter of power of attorney on stock pledging with 30 Baht duty stamp imposed.
- Client prepares the financial statement which suitable for the requested credit line.
- Client signs the addendum agreements on Internet Trading.
- Client signs the agreements on Stock Borrowing and Lending.

- Client can send all documents to your personal financial advisor at Krungsri Securities via postal mail or kindly visit our office in personal, please see the address below.
- Please contact your personal financial advisor at Krungsri Securities to notice us your intension.
- The financial advisor will contact you back as soon as possible to make an appointment for contract signing.
- Client prepares the documents as follow.
- For individual Thai clients,
- A certified copy of your ID card.
- A certified copy of your Housing Registration.
- A certified copy of your designated bank account passbook that you want to use with the Automatic Transfer System (ATS), including the pages that show your name and account number, as well as your most recent banking transaction.
- Certified copies of your other financial statements.
- 30 Baht for duty stamp.
- For individual foreigner clients,
- A certified copy of your passport.
- A certified copy of your work permit. (If you work in Thailand.)
- A certified copy of your residential evidence. (If you do not work.)
- A certified copy of your designated bank account passbook that you want to use with the Automatic Transfer System (ATS), including the pages that show your name and account number, as well as your most recent banking transaction.
- Certified copies of your other financial statements.
- 30 Baht for duty stamp.
- Client signs the agreements on Transaction of Mutual Fund (Omnibus Account).
- Client can send all documents to your personal financial advisor at Krungsri Securities via postal mail or kindly visit our office in personal, please see the address below.
- Client prepares the documents as follow.
- For individual Thai clients,
- A certified copy of your ID card.
- A certified copy of your Housing Registration.
- A certified copy of your designated bank account passbook that you want to use with the Automatic Transfer System (ATS), including the pages that show your name and account number, as well as your most recent banking transaction.
- Certified copies of your other financial statements.
- 30 Baht for duty stamp.
- For individual foreigner clients,
- A certified copy of your passport.
- A certified copy of your work permit. (If you work in Thailand.)
- A certified copy of your residential evidence. (If you do not work.)
- A certified copy of your designated bank account passbook that you want to use with the Automatic Transfer System (ATS), including the pages that show your name and account number, as well as your most recent banking transaction.
- Certified copies of your other financial statements.
- 30 Baht for duty stamp.
- Client signs the addendum agreements on Foreign Investment Account.

- Client signs the W8-BEN form. (For advantage of the USA investment taxation.)
- Client prepares the financial statement which suitable for the requested trading line. (Minimum 200,000 Baht).
- Client can send all documents to your personal financial advisor at Krungsri Securities via postal mail or kindly visit our office in personal, please see the address below.
- Client signs the addendum agreements on Fixed-Income Instrument Account.

- Client can send all documents to your personal financial advisor at Krungsri Securities via postal mail or kindly visit our office in personal, please see the address below.