บริษัทหลักทรัพย์ กรุงศรี จำกัด (มหาชน)

License Information

Under the Securities & Exchange Act B.E. 2535

Type of Lincense No. Effective Date Securities Business Commencement Date
Securities Brokerage 0002/2542 15/02/1999 Securities Brokerage 15/02/1999
Securities Dealing 0002/2542 15/02/1999 Securities Dealing 15/02/1999
Securities Underwriting 0002/2542 15/02/1999 Securities Underwriting 15/02/1999
Investment Advisory Services 0002/2542 15/02/1999 Investment Advisory Services 15/06/2004
Securities Borrowing and Lending ด07-0051-18 14/03/2013 Securities Borrowing and Lending (Principal Only) 27/06/2013

Under the Derivatives Act B.E. 2546

Type of Lincense No. Effective Date Securities Business Commencement Date
Derivatives Broker 0016/2551 31/07/2008 Derivatives Broker 04/09/2008